Sunday, June 24, 2012

Last Day of School Backpack Note

As some of you may know, I started making backpack notes for my daughter when the school year started  back in September.  She doesn't take a cold lunch, which is why they are backpack notes instead of lunch box notes.

The goal was to try and make one for her every school day.  Although I started out strong, I did end up missing a few days throughout the school year and started to burn out at the very end.  I did rally again for the last week of school; and for the very last one, I made the biggest one of all - over 11".  I used the Everyday Paper Doll cartridge and cut out a graduation girl. . .for my daughter graduating from First Grade.  I cut the hair from the cartridge but then trimmed it by hand to look more like my daughter's hair.  On the back of the cut out, I included a picture of her bedroom door where she has taped up many of the backpack notes that I have made for her throughout the year and told her how very proud I am of her and all that she has accomplished. 

Here's a picture of her bedroom door with her collection of backpack notes.  I always ask her if the one I gave her that day is her favorite and she replies. . .No mama, they're ALL my favorites!


  1. what an amazing feat...look at that fun and encouraging door. LOVE LOVE ( I have already started my notes for the fall!)

  2. Wow! All those notes of love are fabulous! She has a great collection!

    Carson's Creations

  3. That's such a great idea... starting on them during the summer! I may have to try that this time around. Thanks for the comment!
